Hej! Welcome to Mycozyswedishhome

Made out of  wool, water, soap, clay, heat and my love, care and calm for my creations

Mycozyswedishhome is my creative collection of usable art designed to exude beauty, uniqueness and naturalness. As a self-taught artist and owner, I create unique pieces and express my love for details and unique material combinations.
In my chosen home in Sweden, I live and work in a small old school in a village on a hill. Inspired by my Bavarian homeland and the intimate connection to the beautiful, impressive nature on the high coast of Sweden, I create my works that should enrich and accompany you a part of your life.
If you can accompany you with a piece of felt or finely fired clay - I hope you enjoy it!
Birgit from

Mycozyswedishhome for you!

My creations
Artstudio and Courses


Mycozyswedishhome stands for sustainability and naturalness.

My works should accompany you throughout your life, inspire you, bring peace or joy or support you. Cozy doesn't mean so much a decorated home, but rather the sensuality of the object when used.
Feeling the warm, solid or delicate surfaces, preserving your memories or when you want important things to be in good hands. Coziness that is inside you - peace that arises and well-being.

